Friday, April 24, 2009

How The Lengzhai Got It's Name

Hi its me again! Anyway I promised you guys that i'll tell you how I got my name in  a few days right? Anyway here it goes.....
      On an afternoon,  I went to go cut my hair to uber guy short hair. Anyway after that, I went to pick up my sister Nana with my parents at the gym. I was wearing guy shorts and a tee you get the picture. I went in the building and said, "Ummm... Nana are ready to go?" she answered back "yeah". There were two guys sitting on the chairs facing me or something like that. One of them said,"Wahhhh... So lengzhai your brother." with a really wow face (not how he lookss his expression). Nana was like,"SHE'S a GIRL" with a face that wanted to laugh like hell. He was so shocked! :O. And that's how I got my name. Not lying okay!

Posted by The Lengzhai

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