Saturday, April 25, 2009

hi everyone

Golan Yosef
(Isn't he hot?) xD

hello everyone. The Miss Big Bossy here (J-Mee), I just realized that Vixen and Nini say alot of bad things about me :( oh well, I don't mind. Anyway, I am so proud of this gang cos now we have so many fans!! HAHA. Just incase you people don't know, I have a blog. It's
oh ya! My friend has also made a story blog! its a story she wrote, except that she wrote it in a blog.
So, pls visit it and read it from the beginning,
the link is
and btw, if you don't know how to go to the 1st chapter, 1st look for the title "Earlier Chapters" and look for the EARLIEST date. and from there, it will continue. Ok guys. I gotta go now. Its 3.14 in the morning. Bye.

Posted by The Miss Big Bossy